The best way to eradicate debt is first not to get into non-preferred debt. That is any debt that cannot offer a tax or leverage benefit. Three options for getting out of debt:
making bulk payments toward the lowest balance first until paid off and then working to pay off the next lowest balance. This provides smaller wins to help keep you motivated and decrease the number of payments you make.
focus on paying off the debt balance with the highest interest rate and then working on the next highest interest rate. This method could potentially save you more money in the long run.
involves applying for a consolidation loan to combine all balances together and then aggressively paying down balance.
Living below our means is important for financial success that leads to being able to set money aside for tangible goals and gain financial freedom. To accomplish the goal of not living paycheck-to-paycheck, we must:
Determining monthly gross and net income, expense and determine what to do with remaining discretionary funds. Expenses are not just bills - do not forget tithes, taxes and savings.
Track income and spending, set a budget, cut your spending (change your spending habits).
Control your daily spending and calculate your debt-to-income ratio (how much of your income goes to debt, what percentage?).
What the tithe is – ⅒ (one tenth) of all income, the tithe belongs to God according to Malachi 3:10).
The tithe is necessary to finance the kingdom of God in the earth, to spread the Gospel and to meet the needs of the church. Tithing prevents the erosion of our goods and quality of life and allows God to demonstrate His power in our lives.
Savings are important because we can expect the unexpected in life, including unexpected expenses. We should put aside some of our earnings in savings – if we have a job so should our money! Talk with your tax preparer about the tax benefits of some savings accounts.
Do not make excuses, open an account and setup an automatic deposit to it on a consistent basis.
To be financially prepared for an investment opportunity, an emergency and for supporting and helping others.
If we save we put ourselves in the position to invest our monies. Investments are another effective way to put our money to work, as thoughtful investing may allow money to outpace inflation and increase in value.
Investing requires us to focus on the goal of our investments, not current performance. We should not use retirement investments for current income needs.
Are important to assist you and include an investment advisor, tax professional, mortgage/real estate professional, estate planner attorney, life insurance professional and financial planner.
Paper assets, qualified accounts, real estate.
According to a study (prepared for St Columba’s Chapel in Rhode Island) less than 2% of all Christians leave a bequest in their Will or make some other type of planned gift to their church. When questioned, Christians often stated that their churches have not asked them for a bequest, and they do not know how to prepare them on their own.
We should remember our church because we love our church and we desire to establish our church so that it can have permanence. When we leave a resource to our church we leave a deposit for those coming after us and help the work of the church to remain.
According to a study (prepared for St Columba’s Chapel in Rhode Island) less than 2% of all Christians leave a bequest in their Will or make some other type of planned gift to their church. When questioned, Christians often stated that their churches have not asked them for a bequest, and they do not know how to prepare them on their own.
We should remember our church because we love our church and we desire to establish our church so that it can have permanence. When we leave a resource to our church we leave a deposit for those coming after us and help the work of the church to remain.
Praise the Lord!
*Due to a water outage, the campus is closed today Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
Because of inclement weather, there will be no in-person Bible Study tonight. Members are encouraged to stream the service.
Join us online at 7:30 p.m. for Tuesday Night Bible Study.
Praise the Lord!
Due to inclement weather, there will be no Noonday Bible Study on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.