FTHCM of Indonesia
Sister Dina Numberi heard the Reformation messages taught by Episcopal Pastor Emeritus Cherry in April 2001 while attending a Sunday Service at the Parent Church and she took that message back to her husband and the churches in Indonesia. When Bishop and Mrs. Numberi attended the August 2001 Conclave hosted by the Parent Church, they brought the Decision Letter from the synod of the Presbyterian Church in Indonesia to join with From the Heart Church Ministries®. In 2002, after having a National Congress that was attended by the Director of Christian Religion Department of the Indonesian Government to change the name of their church, Bishop and Mrs. Numberi and their members left their former denomination and became From the Heart Church Ministries of Indonesia. At that time, 12 churches located on the Sumatera and Java Islands became united with From the Heart Church Ministries of America.
Bishop Numberi was consecrated by the Episcopal Pastor as Overseer on November 14, 2004 and Mrs. Numberi was ordained an elder on November 18, 2007. Episcopal Pastor Emeritus and Mrs. Cherry have ministered in Indonesia on several occasions since their first visit in 2004.

Sister Dina Numberi heard the Reformation messages taught by Episcopal Pastor Emeritus Cherry in April 2001 while attending a Sunday Service at the Parent Church and she took that message back to her husband and the churches in Indonesia. When Bishop and Mrs. Numberi attended the August 2001 Conclave hosted by the Parent Church, they brought the Decision Letter from the synod of the Presbyterian Church in Indonesia to join with From the Heart Church Ministries®. In 2002, after having a National Congress that was attended by the Director of Christian Religion Department of the Indonesian Government to change the name of their church, Bishop and Mrs. Numberi and their members left their former denomination and became From the Heart Church Ministries of Indonesia. At that time, 12 churches located on the Sumatera and Java Islands became united with From the Heart Church Ministries of America.
Bishop Numberi was consecrated by the Episcopal Pastor as Overseer on November 14, 2004 and Mrs. Numberi was ordained an elder on November 18, 2007. Episcopal Pastor Emeritus and Mrs. Cherry have ministered in Indonesia on several occasions since their first visit in 2004.
In spite of challenges ministering in a predominantly Moslem country, God is faithful and the churches in Indonesia are running well and continuing to grow. Bishop and Mrs. Numberi are confident that the Lord is continuing to strengthen the ministry by maximizing what they have. There are numerous local FTH churches in Indonesia with faithful members located on the islands of Sumatera, Java, Timor and Bali.
Golden Blvd. BSD, Blok H2/48 Serpong-Tangerang 15310, Indonesia
011 (6221) -531-59-101