FTHCM of Oklahoma City
Brother Jefferson Tarver started following the teachings of the Episcopal Pastor Emeritus in 1996. In October 2002, Brother and Sister Tarver sent a letter to Episcopal Pastor Emeritus Cherry to learn more about finding a church in Oklahoma City area and were given instructions on how to establish a From the Heart Ministries® (FTHCM) Focus Group in their area.
In June 2003, Brother Tarver accepted his call and started the process to establish a FTHCM focus Group. From June 2003 to 2007, Brother and Sister Tarver served as the Focus Group Coordinators. The Focus Group became the From the Heart Church Ministries of Oklahoma City Satellite Ministry on February 7, 2007.
In October 2011, Episcopal Pastor Emeritus and Mrs. Cherry went to Oklahoma City to start the process of establishing a local church in that area. In January 2012, Brother Tarver travelled to the Parent Church to be perfected as a FTH Pastor and he was licensed on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at From the Heart Church Ministries of Tulsa. The Episcopal Pastor Emeritus taught their first Bible Study on October 23, 2012 church held its first Sunday Service on October 28, 2012. The church foundation and teaching ministry were established with the same mission as the Parent Church- to build strong families by leading people to the Lord, one soul at a time, through a church that teaches the people to love God, hate sin, and love to give. Their motto is “Our behavior should match OUR belief!”

Brother Jefferson Tarver started following the teachings of the Episcopal Pastor Emeritus in 1996. In October 2002, Brother and Sister Tarver sent a letter to Episcopal Pastor Emeritus Cherry to learn more about finding a church in Oklahoma City area and were given instructions on how to establish a From the Heart Ministries® (FTHCM) Focus Group in their area.
In June 2003, Brother Tarver accepted his call and started the process to establish a FTHCM focus Group. From June 2003 to 2007, Brother and Sister Tarver served as the Focus Group Coordinators. The Focus Group became the From the Heart Church Ministries of Oklahoma City Satellite Ministry on February 7, 2007.
In October 2011, Episcopal Pastor Emeritus and Mrs. Cherry went to Oklahoma City to start the process of establishing a local church in that area. In January 2012, Brother Tarver travelled to the Parent Church to be perfected as a FTH Pastor and he was licensed on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at From the Heart Church Ministries of Tulsa. The Episcopal Pastor Emeritus taught their first Bible Study on October 23, 2012 church held its first Sunday Service on October 28, 2012. The church foundation and teaching ministry were established with the same mission as the Parent Church- to build strong families by leading people to the Lord, one soul at a time, through a church that teaches the people to love God, hate sin, and love to give. Their motto is “Our behavior should match OUR belief!”