outreach, Enrichment
and Services
"You Can Have Your Needs Met"
We have several enrichment and outreach programs, ministries and services that are available to members of From the Heart and some are open to non-members as well. This is a listing of some of the options that are available to help meet the needs of our congregation.

“We are here for you”
Academic Tutorial
This Perfecting Ministry provides educational programs for academic growth and development. Programs include individual and/or group tutoring in math, writing, grammar, SAT and GED preparation.
Clothing Center
The Clothing Center is open to the public and available for anyone who wishes to browse or pick up clothing items for men, women and children. Donations can be made seasonally.
Biblical Counseling
We provide counseling services to our members. All counseling is provided at the Administrative Office Building. Ministers meet with members on appointment and walk-in basis.
First Things First
Through discussion, exhortation and practical application, the ministry illuminates the Word of God and the teachings of this local church to show young adults [18 – 25 years old] the benefit of seeking first the kingdom of God.
Hands In Ministry
This Service Ministry utilizes sign language to interpret worship services and various enrichment classes for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.
Health and Recovery
This ministry reaches out to the sick and bereaved members of our church and their relatives at home, in hospitals and nursing facilities through sharing the Word of God, prayer and visitations.
Encounter Class
This class is designed to minister to couples that have been married for three years or less; particularly, but not limited to those couples that attended and completed the Pre-Marital Enrichment Class. This class is designed to be follow-up counseling for pre-marital couples that graduated from class and have encountered the reality of marriage.
Marriage Enlightenment Class
This class is designed to minister to couples who have been married for three years or more and are severely struggling in their marriages. The goal of the class is to build and strengthen married couples that are established in the faith and unwavering in their commitment to God and to each other.
Enrichment Class
This class is designed to minister to couples who have been married for three years or more and desire to have excellence in their marriage through enhancement. The goal of the class is to strengthen couples to take their marriages to the next level and remain established in the faith, unwavering in their commitment to God and to each other.
Men's Fellowship
This Perfecting Ministry is a fellowship outreach to all men having a thrust to restore the male seed to his created role as a leader. The Men meet the 3rd Saturday of every other month at 10:00 a.m.
New Converts enrichment Class
New Converts Class is a 10-week class designed to meet the needs of new converts and mature believers alike. Students achieve a thorough overview of the Bible and learn practical ways to strengthen their personal relationship with the Lord.
Enrichment Class
The purpose of this class is to lay out a systematic plan of development based on the Word of God, with action plans, and specific resources to assist families in the awesome responsibility of rearing their children. This class targets single, married, separated or divorced parents, blended families, pre-marital couples and grandparents.
Pre-Marital Enrichment Class
The Pre-Marital Enrichment Class is a 9-month class that is offered once a year. It is designed to offer assistance to couples considering marriage by imparting knowledge from the Word of God regarding the role of husbands, wives, fathers and mothers and the establishment of a new family unit. This class provides couples with godly tools for a successful Christian marriage and it is a requirement for those seeking to be married at From the Heart.
Reality Enrichment Class
This is a weekly class designed to teach individuals who are in spiritual, mental and/or physical bondage on how to live godly lifestyles by showing them how to live within the confines of God’s Word.
School of Knowledge
The School of Knowledge offers our members a systematic plan for spiritual and natural growth through seminars, coursework, independent study and practical experiences in a supportive environment. The Christian Development Division offers a thorough introduction to the ministry, and an opportunity to perfect one’s functional gifts, increase knowledge of Scripture, and/or to develop natural skills. Members may select from one of the following areas for more focused study: Evangelism/Outreach, Lay leadership, or Business/Entrepreneurship.
Singles Enrichment Class
The Singles Enrichment Class is intended to motivate unmarried men and women to strengthen their personal relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ by understanding and actualizing benefits of the unmarried state. The class provides the practical tools necessary to achieve the highest level of fulfillment and accomplishment in the unmarried state.
Women of God Lifegivers Fellowship
A monthly Christian fellowship open to all women to promote a victorious walk in Jesus Christ through fulfilling God’s plan for their lives. The Women meet the 3rd Saturday of every other month at 1:00 p.m.
Y.A.P.P. (Youth Against Peer Pressure) provides youth, 12 -18 years old, a Christian environment where they can enjoy games, activities and the fellowship of others; where they are naturally and spiritually enriched; and where they have the opportunity to learn and grow in the Word of God and actualize it in their lives.