Jesus Is Lord!

Jesus Is Lord!


Our Statement of .

1. We Believe In the One, True, Living God...

Who is infinite in all things. We believe He is Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent and that He manifests Himself in three persons. God the Father is our Source, God the Son is the way to the Source and the Holy Spirit is our Director, Guide, Enabler and Helper. We also believe that the Holy Spirit is equal in deity to the Father and the Son. We believe that through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to disassemble those things in our lives that are contrary to the Word of God and to assemble those things necessary to cause us to be effective members of the Body of Christ.

2. That in the beginning God created...

The Heaven and the Earth and set into operation Seven Spiritual Principles © to govern His creation, and by following these principles, man would be able to take dominion over, subdue, and to replenish the Earth. Therefore, man is able to live a productive and fruitful life, add to the productivity of the lives of others, and leave a deposit in the Earth for the next generation.

3. That the Bible is...

The inspired Word of God, written by Holy men of old as the Holy Spirit moved, and the entire Scripture – from Genesis to Malachi and Matthew to Revelation – contains all things necessary for our salvation, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and for instructions in righteousness.

4. That Jesus Christ is...

The only begotten Son of God, that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, that He was crucified, died and was buried and that on the third day He arose from the dead and that He is the Savior of the World. He is now seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, making intercessions for us at the Throne of God. We believe that Jesus died to purchase the Church, He arose to give resurrected life to the Church, He ascended to be the Head of the Church, and He’s coming back again for His Church. He is the way, the truth, and the life and no man cometh unto the Father, but by Him.

5. That salvation only comes by...

Grace through faith in Jesus Christ by a confession with the mouth and a belief in the heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We do not believe that water baptism is unto salvation, but rather is an outer expression of an inner conviction and represents to us that inward purity which positions us to follow the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and that as He died and rose again for us, so should we, who are baptized, be baptized with the Holy Ghost and die to sin and rise again unto righteousness. Good works cannot bring about salvation, but are the fruits of and spring forth out of a true faith in God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

6. That we should...

Trust God, trust leadership and trust each other so that all who believe and are on one accord would network their resources together so that NONE SUFFER LACK.

7. That the love of God...

Which is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, is the foundation of all our actions, causes us to live by the requirements of our faith, and that LOVE NEVER FAILS.

Our .

Vision of the Church

The Vision is our original instructions from God.  From the Heart Church Ministries ®  is called to be a Philippian church and our vision is to:


Which means we have a true relationship with Him through His son, Jesus Christ, and we are seeking His Will, not His benefits. When we love God, we want to know His ways and we seek to please Him. When we love God, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15) and the more we love Him, the more His Word means in our lives.


Which means we have a desire to root out sin in our lives and the lives of others. Sin is an act against God and His Word. When we hate sin, we do not hate the person practicing sin but instead we hate the devastation of what sin causes. When we hate sin, we will not allow it in our lives and we seek to help others to rid it from their lives also.


Which means we give of ourselves spiritually, administratively and financially to the glory and honor of God and the destruction of the works of the devil. We love to give because we know God has given each of us a share, a part that we must share with others, that is important, sufficient and necessary because it is valuable to God. We love to give because our love for God compels us to give to others.

Plan of the Church

The Plan is how we plan to accomplish the vision.  The plan of From the Heart is to:


Which means we have a correct interpretation of what God says. When the Word of God is preached at our church, the teaching is extracted from the rightly divided Word of God. The accurately preached Word of God has been a catalyst for change, growth and spiritual maturity at From the Heart and we take it very seriously. We all preach the Word through our lifestyle, by living a life that glorifies God and makes Jesus irresistible to the unsaved.


Which means all church functions help eradicate member needs so that all believers that are with one accord would not suffer lack in any area of their life. The infrastructure of From the Heart is how we care for our members administratively, spiritually and financially.


Which means God has called this local church to be at the forefront of the reformation of the Church universal. In reforming the Church, our local church is to be an example to believers of what God originally instructed the Body of Christ to be and to do. It is through our Excellence of Ministry® that we strive to be the best we can be and do the best we can do according to the Word of God.

Motivation of the Church

The motivation is why we are carrying out the plan.  The general motivation of From the Heart is LOVE.  Everything we do is motivated out the fact that God has called us as Christians, to love one another.  Our motivation is to:


Which means we preach Jesus to all who are without Him. When we seek and save the lost, we are no respecter of persons in who and how we share the Gospel. We know that anyone who does not know the Savior is lost and we do not hide the Gospel from the lost.


Which means we do not participate in any unrighteousness and have made a decision to pull away from the world’s system of doing things. We know that as Christians we are to love not the world, neither the things that are in the world including the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. (I John 2:15-16)


Which means we want to replenish the earth and leave a ministry that will stand the test of time and live beyond our natural lives. We leave a deposit for the next generation when we are an example to them of how to live a faithful and committed life in Christ Jesus.

Praise the Lord!

*Due to a water outage, the campus is closed today Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

Because of inclement weather, there will be no in-person Bible Study tonight. Members are encouraged to stream the service.

Join us online at 7:30 p.m. for Tuesday Night Bible Study.

Praise the Lord!

Due to inclement weather, there will be no Noonday Bible Study on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.